Case studies

Here are the examples of my website re-design projects I’ve done – from DIY website to a professionally designed website.

Digibloom Business and Career Coaching

I had a pleasure to work with Aggie, the owner of Digibloom business & career coaching. She had an extensive experience in coaching, but wasn’t technical enough. She tried to buid her website herself, but it didn’t work as she would want it to, and wasn’t reflected Aggie’s vision. I designed a completely new website for her. She already had a logo in place that she designed herself. The logo colours were the ones she wanted to use for her brand. So, I used that colour palette on the website as well. See below the Homepage – the old and the new.


Digibloom website homepage

How does your current website perform?

Are you a coach, nutritionist, or personal trainer?
Have you thought about how a professionally designed website can help your business?
Not sure where to start?
I’m here to help, leaving you to focus on the running your business, whilst the leads pour in.


Leading Light Business Development

As a busy sales coach and mentor, Erica didn’t have the time to focus on her website and described it as a ‘digital business card’. I worked with her from the ground up, working around her time constraints to create a fully functional, lead generating site where her prospects have an easy route to contact her and view all her packages. I used her two brand colours – orange and black, and added some beige to compliment them. She was very pleased with the results.



Bee Fab Academy

Jaqui had her website built by someone who wasn’t a professional web designer. It didn’t work properly, there were many issues and errors with displaying content. She came to me asking for a complete redesign. She also decided to register as CIC company, helping disadvantaged young people to get employment and life skills. As she already had an Elementor Pro license, she wanted me to build the new website on Elementor. I also came up with the colour palette for her brand that reflected brand personality. 


Bee Academy original website screenshot

How does your current website perform?

Are you a coach, nutritionist, or personal trainer?
Have you thought about how a professionally designed website can help your business?
Not sure where to start?
I’m here to help, leaving you to focus on the running your business, whilst the leads pour in.


Bee Fab Academy new website

Redbridge Chamber of Commerce

I had a great opportunity to re-design a website for the local Chamber of Commerce. They already had a website, but it was out of date and was difficult to navigate. They needed a modern looking website, mobile responsive, and easy to navidate. They also needed a relevant imagery. I’ve used their logo, and added some more colours to their branding. They were really happy with the results.


Redbridge Chamber old website screenshot


Redbridge Chamber new website screenshot

Executives Coach

Business coach Joanna’s website was first designed by another firm. The website didn’t reflect Joanna’s brand well, and the design was generic. She wasn’t satisfied with it, and wanted something that would show her brand well, and be personalised. I had Joanna’s photos taken during our photoshoot already. She was wearing a nice blue outfit that harmonised with her brand perfectly. I also completely re-designed the website. It’s still work in progress, though.


Executives Coach screenshot of old homepage

How does your current website perform?

Are you a coach, nutritionist, or personal trainer?
Have you thought about how a professionally designed website can help your business?
Not sure where to start?
I’m here to help, leaving you to focus on the running your business, whilst the leads pour in.


Executives Coach screenshot of new homepage